Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Carnelian is a stone of happiness and hope; it provides courage and strength to proceed onwards. Carnelian creates an emotional balance and eliminates confusion.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Six Top Crystals for Stress Relief.

Stress seems to be a fact of life for many of us in today’s busy society. Modern technology, societal expectations and modern work-life along with financial and family concerns all take their toll on our physical and emotional selves. A little too much so, some would say!

Crystals can provide a gentle, natural and effective way to deal with these stresses and cope better in our daily lives.

While it is true that there are many crystals that will do the job, I thought we could look at what may be considered the top six.

All round stress relief; Amethyst

Physical stress relief; Clear Quartz

Financial stress; Citrine

Emotional stress; Lepidolite

Nervous stress; Muscovite

Relationship stress; Rose Quartz


Amethyst has a great calming and comforting influence. It is very protective and inspirational, radiates divine love and promotes emotional centering. Amethyst will also help you think and act at your highest level. An Amethyst cluster in the home or at your workplace is ideal to transmute negative energy, or carry a tumble stone in your pocket. Wear an Amethyst pendant to prevent migraine and to reduce tension headaches.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is the most powerful all-round healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It strengthens your personal power helping to deflect depleting negative energies. Clear Quartz can be worn as a crystal pendant to help fortify your energy and it will also deflect radiation from your body. Clear Quartz is an excellent general physical system fortifier and protector. It also increases mental clarity. Try holding a clear crystal at your solar plexus and breathe evenly for a few minutes to calm your emotions, relax the body, clear the mind, and to refresh your energy. Clusters placed in your environment are also very beneficial as well as carrying a tumble stone in your pocket.


Citrine is known as an Abundance and Wealth Stone and also as a Success Stone; it encourages a bright attitude as it attracts wealth and joy. Keep a piece in your wallet or cash tin to enrich your holdings. Citrine is joyous, warm and energizing. Raises self esteem, stimulates mental focus. It can help stabilize your emotions and soothe family problems. Absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy.


Lepidolite is a gentle, loving, soothing stone that calms the heart and mind. It eases the emotions and relieves anxiety, stress and worry and dissipates negativity. Balances the nervous system and wards off depression. Lepidolite is uplifting and balancing Inducing love, self-love and trust.


Muscovite can lessen insecurities and self-doubt and help you to look to the future with optimism. It can also increase self-confidence and reduce nervous stress and physical tension. It is, therefore, a good stone to have close by you when you are dealing with life changes. Muscovite heals any condition resulting from distress. It can help you to accept imperfections in yourself and others and to identify that what irritates you in another is often what you don’t like in yourself, frequently a cause of nervous tension.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz known as The Love Stone is very protective and soothing for many issues. It balances, heals and rejuvenates the emotions, cools hot tempers, clears stored anger, guilt and jealousies. Rose Quartz encourages compassion and harmony and allows you to become more receptive and open to challenges. Place a piece at your Heart centre for 10 minutes or so to relax after a stressful day.

Ron Windred

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cleansing Your Crystals

Why do we need to cleanse our crystals? There are two reasons; the first one is we need to clean the physical dirt and dust from our new and exciting crystals. New crystals often have dust on them, from sitting in a shop or market stall that needs to be removed. Secondly we also need to clean them energetically. What does this mean? You need to remove the energy that other people have left on the crystal, because when you buy a crystal it has probably been handled by many other people.

Here are eight ways to cleanse your crystals:

1. Breath

When you first buy your crystal, one of the simplest methods of instant cleansing is to hold your crystal in your hands and then with the intention of cleansing it, gently blow your breath on the crystal. As you are doing this, you are adding your life-force energy or prana onto the crystal and this will remove or negate all the energy left by other people; of course this will not remove physical dirt and dust.

2. Water

Most crystal can be washed in running water. A word of caution, there are crystals that can dissolve in water, a few examples are Selenite, Kyanite and Azurite, or any of the soft crystals. For these you can use a damp cloth to wipe off the physical dirt. Some books will tell you that you need to use sea water or spring water, but sometimes this is not possible, so use the purest water you can, with little to no chemicals in it. It is also recommended that you regularly wash the physical dirt from all your crystals. Sometimes this is forgotten if you use the sunlight or moonlight option of cleansing.

3. Sunlight

Place your crystals in the early morning sun to energize and cleanse your crystals. A word of caution, crystals such as amethyst and fluorite will fade if left in the sun too often for too long. It is also a good idea to cover your crystals with a piece of net so the birds will not take them.

4. Moonlight

Place your crystal outside on a full moon to infuse them with moon energy. Moon energy is a soft feminine energy so this is a very gentle way of cleansing. It is also a good idea to cover them with a piece of net so the night animals will not take them.

5. Earth Cleansing

Another popular method is to bury your crystal in the earth. Some say this is the only way. There are a few precautions with this method, remember where you bury them and don’t bury them too deep. Sometimes you will never find them again as Mother Earth will reclaim them. A good way is to bury them in a pot so you will be able to find them easily. You will need to rinse them off when you dig them up as they will have dirt on them.

6. Smudging

White sage has been used for cleansing by native cultures for many years and is a very effective method of cleaning many crystals at once. If you have a large collection it would take you all night to put them out in the moonlight. You can smudge them using a white sage smudge stick or white sage incense. Light your incense or smudge stick and waft the smoke over your crystals. Sandalwood incense is also a good cleanser. If you don’t like these fragrances, almost any incense will help to cleanse your crystals. You can also use resin on a charcoal block, frankincense, myrrh or a special crystal cleansing blend are good options. By using resin and charcoal blocks you can close the door to a room and do the whole room at once.

7. Reiki

If you have been attuned to Reiki you can use Reiki energy for cleansing crystals. If you are a Reiki level 1, just hold the crystals in your hands and with intention send Reiki healing to your crystals. For level 2 practitioners, use your Reiki symbols over your crystals and then send Reiki to them.

8. Other Crystals

Amethyst flat clusters are great for putting other crystal upon; just by leaving your crystals upon the amethyst for a few hours they will be energetically cleansed. Geodes and Clear Quartz clusters are also excellent to use.
It doesn’t matter which method you use the important thing to remember is to do something, and to both physically and energetically cleanse all your crystals regularly. Always cleanse them after a healing or after you have been using them on yourself.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps

Scientific studies have shown that rock salt lamps can increase the negative ion count by up to 300% and excessive negative ions are essential for a positive mood and high energy. When warmed by the globe the rock salt generates a stream of negative ions which improves the air quality.

Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps remove odors from the air naturally, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

Televisions, radios, computers, microwaves, transmitters all produce positive ions. Placing a Rock Salt Lamp nearby produces the negative ions required for good health. Using one at work will help to make you feel more energised.

Working under bright artificial light can make you feel tired, however the negative ions created by your lamp, balance this energy making you fell rejuvenated and energised.

Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps are also beneficial for people effected by arthritis, asthma, stress, insomnia, aches, fatigue, tiredness, migraines, headaches, hormonal imbalance, attention deficit disorder and poor concentration.

It is safe and beneficial to leave your lamp on at all times.

Care of your lamp:

To clean your Himalayan Rock Salt lamp just wipe gently with a damp cloth. Do not use a soaking cloth as this will begin to dissolve it.

If you live in a humid area place your lamp in a plastic bag when it is turned off so it will not absorb the moisture in the air.

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Blue Lace Agate is a beautiful stone, it is becoming very hard to get.
Blue Lace Agate assists with verbal communication. Cooling and calming, Blue Lace Agate brings peace of mind. Brings in deep peace and helps to reach extremely high spiritual places.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Clear Quartz Rock Crystal Crystal Quartz

Quartz is a powerful healing and energy amplifier. It regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. Quartz generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity, it also protects against radiation.

Clear Quartz works on all levels of being. Spiritually, Quartz raises energy to the highest level. Mentally, Quartz aids concentration and unlocks memory. Emotionally it assists to stabilize and physically it enhances energy. Quartz also enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose.

Clear Quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition. It stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.

Choose from a range of rough or polished pieces.

A Clear Quartz cluster placed in a room helps to remove negative energies and create a more harmonious environment.

Larger pieces like clusters and natural points make great decorating items as well as providing their healing properties. Smaller pieces like tumbles, points and chunks, when worn or carried provide personal healing benefits.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Amethyst enhances metaphysical abilities and is an excellent stone for meditating and scrying. Amethyst encourages spiritual wisdom, guards against psychic attack, blocks geopathic stress and negative environmental energies. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer.

Choose from a range of rough or polished pieces.

An Amethyst cluster placed in a room helps to remove negative energies and create a more harmonious environment.

Larger pieces of Amethyst like clusters, geodes and natural points make great decorating items as well as providing their healing properties. Smaller pieces like tumbles, points, chunks and pendants when worn or carried provide personal healing benefits.
