Sunday, May 24, 2009

Clear Quartz: The Master Healer.

Clear Quartz comes in many forms, from natural stones to clusters and points; from very small to very large. It is also available in many polished forms, tumble stones, eggs, balls, polished points and pyramids and sometimes sculpted into beautiful artistic pieces. Many people don’t buy Clear Quartz saying “that is only clear quartz” it may not be as pretty as some of the other crystals but it is a very useful and powerful crystal.

Points, the larger ones can be used to hold while meditating to enhance your experience. Large points are also very useful when used in a healing layout; the smaller points can be used to amplify other crystals during a crystal healing.

Clusters can be used as a decorating piece in a room; they will also put out a calming and positive energy while adding to the appeal of a room. Smaller clusters can be placed on top of computers, fridges and other electrical appliances to help counteract the emf’s coming from the appliances.

All the polished pieces are also good as decorating pieces, not only do they look good, but they also give off great energy.

The humble tumble clear quartz is great as a healing stone by itself or as an amplifier to other crystals.

If you are having a hard time trying to obtain a crystal for a particular job, you could substitute clear quartz to do the job, as it is an excellent all round healer.

Many crystal layouts can be used in healing work using clear quartz exclusively. A brilliant book on several of these layouts is “Laying on of Stones” by Melody, available at most good bookstores, or they can order it for you. This book is also available on-line at

In times of trouble I always feel better by sitting and holding a quartz point. I feel a sense of calm come over me, and I am also able to see the bigger picture and have clearer thoughts. These good feelings and thoughts are amplified if I meditate at the same time.

By having several large quartz clusters placed around our house, not only does it improve the environment and the energy about the place; people visiting often comment on how good the vibes feels at out place.

Placing a clear quartz point upon a goal or ambition written on a piece of paper always helps to amplify the intention and its vibration.

Most quartz points have a story inside them; just by looking at them you will see all sorts of different images. Often you will see something different every time you look inside one. Is this because we all see what we what to see or need to see? What you see is often very different from what others see. I had one piece with a beautiful rainbow inside and when I showed it to friends; they were all surprised at its beauty, except two people who couldn’t see the rainbow as they were going through a very negative period of their lives. Could this be the reason that they couldn’t see the rainbow? The same has happened when I could see angels in a crystal and yet others who were in a negative frame of mind could only see blobs. It seems that apart from the story contained in a crystal, sometimes our perception of it is influenced by our attitude.

I have also noticed while selling crystals, that children are very attracted to quartz points. When Mum or Dad suggests a prettier or more colourful crystal, the children always insist they want the quartz point. Could it be that they have come back to this earth with the knowledge of what quartz crystals can do?

Clear Quartz has always been a favourite of mine. If you only ever buy one crystal I would suggest a clear quartz as it is a master healer. I always carry one with me, either in my bag, in my pocket, or as jewellery.

To buy quality Clear Quartz Crystals at affordable prices visit:


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